Why should you remove tartar?

Tartar/plaque removal is important to keep your teeth healthy and look good. However, not everyone recognizes it's importance. The article below will help you understand why you should remove tartar.

Is tartar dangerous?

Tartar and bacterial plaque are the culprits of periodontal disease. Weakened periodontal tissue cannot hold the teeth, resulting in loss of teeth, thereby affecting oral aesthetic as well as the quality of life of the patient. The following article will help you understand if tartar is dangerous or not.

Little known risk of tartar

Tartar and bacterial plaque are the culprits of periodontal disease. Weakened periodontal tissue cannot hold teeth.

What negative effect can be caused by tartar removal?

Improper oral hygiene will cause tartar to easily form and cause countless dental problems. At this time, removing tartar is an effective remedy. However, if this technique is performed incorrectly, it will cause many serious consequences. To learn about the harmful effects of improperly removing tartar, please read the following article!