Navigation Technology in Dental Implant Surgery

Author: Dr. Nhan Tam View: 2,714
Today, with the development of digital technology, dental implants are not only performed directly by doctors but also have support from positioning technology. This technology is considered a great step forward for Implant Dentistry, bringing outstanding advantages compared to old technology. However, there are still many people who do not clearly understand this modern technology. Let's find out the information below!

Dr Vo Van Nhan – Director of Nhan Tam Dental Clinic is a Vietnamese doctor who applies Navigation Technology to dental implants for patients.

Dental implants are considered the ideal solution for cases of tooth loss, offering superior advantages over porcelain bridges or removable dentures. However, dental implants come with some challenges because the implant must be implanted correctly to avoid colliding with important anatomical structures such as nerves, maxillary sinuses, blood vessels, etc.

These challenges are gradually being improved by the development of digital technology in implant dentistry, most recently with the emergence of dental implant Navigation Technology. This technology supports dental implants with almost absolute precision, ensures patient safety, and minimizes treatment time.

Nhan Tam Dental Clinic is a dental center in Vietnam that successfully appliesNavigation technology in Dental Implant. With a team of with over 25 years of experience and modern equipment, Nhan Tam Dental Clinic will definitely bring you the perfect smile.

What is dental implant Navigation Technology?

Dental implants are considered the ideal solution for cases of tooth loss, both ensuring aesthetics and helping restore tooth function. However, this method requires high precision to avoid touching important anatomical structures such as nerves, blood vessels, maxillary sinuses, eye sockets, etc.

Therefore, in the 50-year history of the dental implant industry, scientists have always been constantly searching for and creating technologies to support the dental implant process to achieve the highest results. In 2004, Dr. Nardy Casap first introduced dental implant Navigation Technology (also known as Navigation Technology) and received great appreciation from experts. After more than 16 years of improvement, Navigation Technology has now been perfected and widely applied in developed countries.

Dental implant Navigation Technology is the most advanced technology currently in the field of dental implants. This technology is an integration between artificial intelligence and the 4.0 revolution, marking the remarkable development of the modern dental implant industry.

Navigation Technology is the most advanced technology today in Dental Implants

Navigation Technology is an integrated system of 2 observation cameras linked to CT Cone Beam 3D image diagnostic software, helping to optimize the function of the CT Cone Beam system, supporting the implant process. Dental implants are simple, accurate, safe, and aesthetically pleasing, especially helping patients feel comfortable, painless, reducing trauma, and minimizing treatment time.

Operating principle of dental implant Navigation Technology

Dental implant Navigation Technology integrates many modern technologies, linked with CT Cone Beam 3D imaging diagnostic software. Thus, after taking CT Cone Beam film, image data will be transmitted directly to the Navigation Technology system. From there, the Doctor will create a detailed treatment plan for each case right on the Navigation Technology and can proceed with dental implants immediately.

Dental implant navigation technology (X-guide Navigation) has features similar to a GPS navigation system. This technology has 2 monitoring modes: visual monitoring and audio monitoring. Visual monitoring is the mode of observing the activity of the drill when drilling into bone through 2 cameras on Navigation Technology. The doctor will monitor the activity of the drill, the coordinates of the drill in relation to the solution. surgery on the patient's jaw bone, thereby orienting the doctor to the correct position to place the implant. All will be shown directly on the computer screen. Sound monitoring is a sound alarm system when the drill exceeds the allowed length so that doctors can promptly recognize and make adjustments.

With a camera observing the drill's activity directly on the computer screen, Navigation Technology helps the Dental Implant Doctor with absolute accuracy.

How is Navigation Technology different from old technology in dental implants?

Compared to old technology, implant Navigation Technology brings many outstanding benefits. Previously, to determine the exact position of the implant, the doctor needed to create a surgical guide. However, this solution takes quite a long time (about 1 week) and there is still a risk that the design guide trough does not match reality. At this time, the doctor has to start over from scratch, that is, rebuild the treatment plan and make another guide, causing patients to spend more time, especially patients with complete tooth loss.

Currently, X-guide Navigation Technology helps the dental implant procedure to be significantly shortened. Customers can perform examination, treatment planning and implant placement on the same day, without having to wait or go to the clinic 2-3 times for appointments like before.

Navigation Technology offers many outstanding benefits compared to surgical guides

Although the implant implantation time is shortened, the results are still extremely satisfactory. According to research by Dr. Robert and his colleagues in 2016, the accuracy of X-Guide is 11 times higher than that of empirical dental implants (without using supporting devices). The results were published in JOI magazine - a famous scientific publication of the American Academy of Dental Implantology.

See more: Navigation Technology: The most modern technique in dental implants

Outstanding advantages when implanting dental implants using Navigation Technology

Applying dental implant Navigation Technology will bring great benefits to patients, including:

Almost absolute accuracy

Navigation Technology features dynamic 3D navigation, providing interactive guidance through a camera that observes drill activity - something that is not clearly visible to the naked eye. From there, the doctor will implant the dental implant with absolute precision from position to tilt angle and perfect depth.

Many statistics show that the average difference when implanting using Navigation Technology compared to the treatment plan is only about 0.1-0.4mm. This number is within the allowable safe range and is absolutely not a cause for concern.

Guaranteed safety

Navigation Technology provides high accuracy, not only controlling the direction and position of the implant, limiting complications caused by wrong orientation or position of the implant, but also avoiding complications of structural damage. Important anatomy such as nerves, blood vessels, maxillary sinuses, eye sockets, etc. Therefore, ensuring absolute safety for the patient.

Navigation Technology ensures absolute safety for patients

Gentle, painless

Applying X-Guide Navigation Technology will help the dental implant process be gentle, painless, reduce trauma, reduce discomfort and help heal faster.

Treatment time is quick

With Navigation Technology, after taking films and completing treatment planning, patients can have dental implants immediately without having to wait 1 week for a guide to be made, treatment time is shortened to just 1 appointments instead of 2 to 3 appointments like before.

Apply a variety of implant abutments

With the dental implant technique using a surgical guide, the doctor who designs the implant system must implant with that implant system, which cannot be changed (if you want to change, you must redo the process immediately). from the beginning). As for Navigation Technology, doctors can apply it to all implant systems, and can change the type of implant to suit many clinical situations during surgery.

Implant placement using Navigation Technology can be applied to all implant systems

The restoration is beautiful and durable

When the implant is in the ideal position, the teeth on the implant will easily achieve aesthetics and have high load-bearing capacity, limiting bone loss, thus ensuring long-term durability.

Application for especially complex cases

X-guide Navigation Technology for dental implants is also considered the "last resort" for especially complicated cases where conventional dental implant technology cannot be applied, such as:

  • Patients with cancer and having to have their upper jaw removed need cheekbone implants - a difficult surgical area to observe. In this case, the Implant position is very far from the jaw wave position and close to important anatomical structures such as: eye socket, orbital floor, temporal fossa, maxillary sinus,... then Navigation Technology will Helps doctors implant cheekbone implants more accurately, bringing better results to patients and limiting serious complications.
  • The patient has jaw bone loss, very little bone left, not enough height, and the implant location is close to the mandibular nerve.
  • The patient has limited mouth opening, the implant is in the inner tooth area.

Implant implantation process using Navigation Technology

Step 1: General examination, X-ray

The first step, the doctor will check the general oral condition of the customer. Next, the customer will have a 3D Cone Beam CT X-ray with the positioning system mounted on the patient's jaw.

Take X-rays to examine the condition of the jaw bone

Step 2: Plan treatment using Navigation Technology

Data after the customer's Cone Beam CT scan will be connected to the dental implant Navigation Technology system . Doctors can plan treatment directly on the system. This can take as little as 30 minutes.

Step 3: Surgery to place the implant

With the support of Navigation Technology, customers will have implants implanted in a sterile operating room. For some cases of long-term tooth loss leading to bone loss, sinus lift and bone grafting will be required before dental implants are placed.

Dr. Vo Van Nhan performs implant surgery using Navigation Technology

Step 4: Make temporary teeth on the implant

Because almost absolute accuracy is guaranteed, when implanting using Navigation Technology , the doctor can design temporary teeth for the customer. Therefore, in some cases, customers will have temporary teeth installed immediately after surgery.

Step 5: Take tooth impressions and make porcelain teeth

After about 4-6 months, the implant will integrate with the jawbone. At this time, the customer will go to the dentist for a follow-up examination and take an impression to proceed with porcelain crowns. Nhan Tam Dental Clinic uses modern 3Shape 3D tooth impression technology to help take tooth impressions quickly and accurately in just 2 minutes. Then, the technician will design and manufacture porcelain teeth using CAD/CAM technology.

Nhan Tam Dental Clinic applies CAD/CAM automatic porcelain tooth manufacturing technology

Step 6: Attach porcelain teeth

At Nhan Tam Dental Clinic, thanks to the application of CAD/CAM technology, porcelain teeth are produced with high precision, minimizing the number of corrections and saving time for customers. At the same time, we apply the T-Scan bite assessment and analysis system to help balance the bite, limit risks such as: fracture, breakage, breakage, impact, and damage to the restoration.

Nhan Tam Dental Clinic - Pioneer in applying dental implant Navigation Technology

Although it has appeared and been widely applied in countries such as the US, Australia, Japan, Canada,... But in Vietnam as well as Southeast Asia, Nhan Tam Dental is the dental center that has applied Successfully using X-Guide Navigation Technology for dental implants. This is also an event that marks a new step in the development of Vietnam's dental implant industry, on par with other countries in the region and around the world.

Dr. Vo Van Nhan at the Implant Navigation Technology Technology Transfer Ceremony

Dr. Vo Van Nhan shared: “With more than 23 years working in the field of Dentistry, especially Dental Implants, I have always had a burning desire for how to achieve absolute accuracy in dental implants. ensure patient safety. Because during the dental implant process, we only need to make a mistake of 1 degree or 1 mm and it can cause dangerous complications. In my search for effective support tools in dental implants, I found and approached Navigation Technology. With this technology, the most difficult problem that I have been pondering for many years has been answered”.

Sharing at the implant Navigation Technology transfer event, Prof. Dr. Trinh Dinh Hai – Chairman of the Vietnam Dental and Maxillofacial Association shared: “Nhan Tam Dental - a private dentistry, has created a "milestone". Son" in the history of Vietnamese Dentistry industry”.

Professor, Dr. Trinh Dinh Hai shares at the ceremony of transferring dental implant Navigation Technology from Nhan Tam Dental Clinic, Medent Company & Envista Group

Notes when implanting using Navigation Technology

Before implant placement

Patients need a CT scan to know their condition, bone density, bone height, etc. to see if they are eligible for an implant or not.

Besides, patients need to do some additional tests to check their general health.

Clean your teeth thoroughly and completely treat dental diseases, if any.

Customers need to do general tests before implant placement

During the implant procedure

Before performing surgery, the doctor will sterilize the mouth, clean the teeth, and disinfect the mouth to eliminate the risk of infection during and after the implant.

You need to note that the procedure needs to be absolutely sterile, from the air in the operating room, to the instruments, to the members of the surgical team.

All tools must be absolutely sterile

After implant placement

Reduce bleeding: Bite the gauze firmly for 30 - 45 minutes to stop bleeding. Do not spit continuously to avoid further bleeding.

Reduce pain and swelling: Patients may have mild - dull pain for a few days after implant placement and will gradually decrease in the following days. To reduce swelling and pain, you can apply cold compresses to the outside of your lips or cheeks corresponding to the area where the implant is placed. In the following days, switch to warm compresses to dissolve the hematoma and reduce swelling.

Avoid impact: You absolutely should not push your tongue or use your hands to wipe the white membrane from the wound. When coughing, you should open your mouth wide to reduce pressure on the sinus lift area. Besides, you need to avoid excessive exercise such as exercising, jogging, etc. in the first time after surgery.

Develop a suitable diet: About 1 hour after surgery, you should not eat or drink any food.

  • In the first days, you should eat foods that are soft, liquid, and easy to swallow such as: porridge, soup, soup, milk, etc. Drink lots of water, you can use more juices and smoothies to fully supplement vitamins and minerals.
  • Do not eat tough, hot or spicy foods, do not drink alcohol or carbonated drinks, etc.

Proper oral hygiene:

  • Do not rinse your mouth with salt water immediately after surgery.
  • Brush your teeth gently with a soft-bristled toothbrush, avoiding touching the area where the implant was just placed. In addition, you can combine the use of antibacterial mouthwash and dental floss to clean between your teeth better.

Note the doctor's advice: You should take medication as prescribed by your doctor, do not arbitrarily use any pain relievers without consulting your doctor. Do not smoke 2 weeks before implant placement and 2 - 4 weeks after implant placement. Follow up after 10 days or according to your doctor's appointment.

Proper care of dental implants will contribute to prolonging the life of dental implants

* When there are unusual signs such as: heavy bleeding, large swelling, side effects after taking the medicine (hives, itching, difficulty breathing...), please contact your doctor immediately for examination and treatment. timely recovery.

Benefits of implant placement at Nhan Tam Dental Clinic

Nhan Tam Dental Clinic is one of the leading prestigious implant centers in Ho Chi Minh City. Many customers have come and experienced the service at Nhan Tam and have given positive feedback, which is proof of the 5-star quality standard at Nhan Tam:

Be examined and treated directly by Dr. Vo Van Nhan - Implant specialist with over 25 years of experience.

Is a dentistry in Vietnam and Southeast Asia that applies implant planting using Navigation Technology - Supporting safe, accurate, and fast implant placement.

Applying digital technology in dental implant treatment: Cone Beam 3D CT imaging system helps survey the entire anatomical structure such as: jawbone, maxillary sinus, nerves, and blood vessel system in an accurate way. most accurate; CAD/CAM porcelain tooth design and manufacturing technology creates precise, meticulous and extremely natural porcelain teeth; The T-Scan bite assessment and analysis system helps balance the bite, limiting risks such as breakage, breakage, breakage, loss and damage to restorations;...

Nhan Tam Dental Clinic applies digital technology in implant surgery

The closed aseptic system meets international standards, ensuring strict sterility and completely eliminating cross-contamination.

Attentive customer service, dedicated care - dedicated treatment. We are committed to providing a variety of services such as: assisting with welcoming guests to treatment, assisting with hotel reservations, gift wrapping, dental hygiene care, etc.

Committed to fast and timely warranty service with the best support policies: remote support for customers abroad, including remote customers.


Vietnamese doctors successfully apply dental implant Navigation Technology.

A pioneer in complex techniques in the field of dental implants to solve severe clinical cases of bone loss.

Vietnamese doctors successfully performed nerve transfer techniques to implant implants, cheekbone implants, and dental implants for people with congenital toothlessness.

Vietnamese doctors are invited to report at International Dental Implant Forums and are lecturers at major universities: Ho Chi Minh City University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Hanoi Medical University, Hong Bang International University.

Successfully performed over 20,000 implant cases in many complex situations such as bone loss, long-term tooth loss, implants in cosmetic areas or patients with cleft lip and palate... and re-treatment of ventricular implant cases. failed and achieved a successful result.

Customer sharing when implanting implants using Navigation Technology

"When I came to Nhan Tam Dental Clinic, Dr. Nhan advised me very carefully about the implant service using X-Guide Navigation Technology . Thanks to Dr. Nhan's professionalism and dedication, I trusted him. and decided to apply this modern technique for surgery. During the procedure, I felt the precision of the drill, there was absolutely no pain and I felt very secure”. (Customer N.T.H)

Mr N.T.H - Customer received dental implants by Dr. Vo Van Nhan using Navigation Technology during the event on June 19, 2020

"I was very surprised because the dental implant process was quick and painless. I am very satisfied with the results. Thank you to the doctors at Nhan Tam Dental Clinic". (Customer T.N)

"Thank you Dr. Nhan, Dr. Quan, Dr. Kien and the team at Nhan Tam Dental Clinic for supporting me with my front tooth implant. The X-guide machine is very professional, safe and highly accurate. Best wishes. The doctors and nurses are healthy and continue to contribute to the value of life and bring confident smiles and health to the community". (Customer H.V.C)

Implant customer at Nhan Tam Dental Clinic

Hopefully the above information has helped you understand the implant method using Navigation Technology. For specific advice as well as to experience the great benefits that Navigation Technology brings, or to have questions about how much an implant costs please contact Nhan Tam Dental Clinic immediately at Hotline 0338 56 5678, the Experts will give you detailed answers.