Dental Implant and problems to be avoided

Author: Dr. Nhan Tam View: 759
Dental implant placement is the most advanced and effective solution to overcome cases of teeth loss. However, implant placement is a difficult procedure, require a specialized and skilled doctor combine with modern equipment to bring the desired results.

When a tooth is lost, the patient will have difficulty eating and chewing, loss of confidence in communication. Long-term teeth loss will result in jaw bone loss, and when the bone recess too much, it will lead to facial deformation (retrusion, wrinkled skin, etc).

If experiencing this condition, patients should seek treatment early to avoid complications. Currently, dental implant technology is an advanced solution to overcome the loss of teeth, prevent bone recession.

Advices during dental implant procedure

Dental implant placement is a relatively complicated surgical procedure, integrating an implant fixturereplacing the real root. A dental crown will then be secured into the implant, creating a complete implanted tooth that is the same as real teeth.

An implant placement process if failed to follow procedure will lead to serious risks and complications. That is why choosing a good dentist is very important.

The doctor determines the success of dental implantation. You should have some basic knowledge about this technique, so be sure to do some research through reliable sources about a reputable dental clinic.

The doctor determines the success of a dental implant surgery

Dental implants cannot be used in some cases, such as people with hemophilia, mental disorders, severe tobacco dependency, cardiovascular disease, blood pressure, etc. So if dental implants is needed, patients should visit a dental clinic directly so the doctors can provide consultation and examination.

If your real teeth have been lost for a long time and you have severe bone recession, the doctor will perform bone graft and sinus lift before implant surgery.

In order to have a successful dental implant placement process, besides the skill of the doctors, it can also be affected by other factors such as the implementation and the patient's care during the period of bone integration after minor surgery.

Advices after dental implant procedure

The period after dental implantation is very important because at that time the newly implanted teeth are very weak, very vulnerable. In the post-implantation period, it is difficult to avoid soreness, so you need to eat cold food, use an ice pack, etc., which will form blood clots around the implants. Reduce bleeding, swelling, relieve pain and heal wounds.

Absolutely no smoking

Cigarette contains carbon monoxide, a toxic gas. When entering the bloodstream, it will limit the amount of oxygen available to the tissues around the implants.

Absolutely no smoking, consuming alcohol after implant procedure

When smoking, it is possible for it to break the blood clot formed around the implant, causing direct damage to the teeth. For smokers, it is best to stop smoking for about 2 weeks.

Overcome swelling, soreness

If there are soreness and swelling, you should use an ice pack on the implant areas to reduce pain. On the second day, you should use a warm towel to help dissolve the clotted blood.

Avoid hard, hot or cold foods

About an hour after implantation, you should minimize the amount of hard, hot or cold food, eat soft foods and eat slowly to get used to new teeth.

After the first week, you can let the crown get used to the other foods. But you should still limit food that is too hard, or too hot, too cold. And absolutely do not smoke and drink alcohol.

Do not spit

The first day after implantation, you will have an unpleasant feeling of entanglement. But this feeling will not last for too long. During this time, you should not spit, which will have a direct effect on the new implants.

Clean oral hygiene

You should use specialized brushes for new implanted teeth. Maintain good oral hygiene is required to avoid any dental problems and which can directly affect new teeth.

Make sure your mouth is clean and healthy

Absolutely no teeth grinding when sleeping

This is a problem that doctors are most concerned about because the habit of grinding teeth when sleeping will cause the implanted teeth to be damaged, endangering the patient.

Periodic examination

Make periodic dental appointments as directed by your doctor to ensure that your implant teeth are in the best condition. If abnormalities are detected, see your doctor so that he/she can correct any undesired problems.

Periodical examination after implantation so the doctor can monitor the state of dental health

Successful implant placement requires a number of factors. In particular, the dental care of patients before and after implantation play a very important role. Therefore you should listen to the doctor's advice in order to have healthy teeth.