Doctor Vo Van Nhan - Nhan Tam dental

Author: Dr. Nhan Tam View: 2,537
Doctor Vo Van Nhan President of Nhan Tam Dental Clinic - The leading Implantologist in Vietnam with more than 20 years of experience in the field of dental implant surgery. Expert in the following areas: • Implant surgery • Gum - Bone graft surgery • Dental restoration on implants and cosmetic crowns


Director of Nhan Tam Dental Center

1997: Graduated as an excellent Dentist.

2002: Graduated as a resident About at Ho Chi Minh City University of Medicine and Pharmacy.

2003: Graduated from a 2-year training course in oral surgery - periodontics in the inter-university cooperation program between Marseille University and Ho Chi Minh City University of Medicine and Pharmacy.

2012: Graduated from Master Clinician Program in Implant Dentistry at UCLA University, USA.

2015: Defended Aboutal thesis with the topic: "Research on implant implantation in patients with jaw bone implants after total cleft lip and palate surgery".

A pioneer in complex techniques in the implant industry to solve severe clinical cases of bone loss such as 3-dimensional bone grafting (2011), dental cleft bone grafting to implant implants for cleft patients. cleft lip (2012), repair of large perforated sinus membrane (2012), inferior alveolar nerve transfer surgery and simultaneous implant placement (2013) and improved zygomatic implant (2014) , improved zygomatic bone implant combined with inferior alveolar nerve transfer and simultaneous implant placement in tooth restoration for patients with congenital edentulous ectodermal dysplasia (2016), application of stem cells in transplantation Bones and implants (2017).

As a Vietnamese reporter at the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Conference (ICOMS) in Australia in October 2015, in Hong Kong in March 2017, and the Rhein'83 International Conference in Italy in June 2017.

Is a Vietnamese implant expert invited to teach abroad. About Nhan shared knowledge around India for 4 days in 4 major cities: Chennai, Bangalore, Munbai and Delhi.

Vietnamese Abouts successfully apply the positioning system (X-guide nagiviation) in implant surgery.

Vietnamese Abouts researched and performed dental implants for congenitally toothless patients in 2016.

Invited to present at the Global D Annual Conference in France in March 2018, the Cambodia Dental Implant Association Annual Conference in Phnom Penh in May 2018 and the Rhein'83 International Conference in Spain Nha in June 2018, Sea X-Guide conference in Thailand on June 13 and 14, 2022.

Presenter at many implant seminars and conferences and won many domestic and foreign awards, and is also a lecturer at implant training courses in Vietnam.

There are many articles published domestically and internationally in the fields of sinus lift, bone grafting and implant placement in complex situations.

Dr. Nhan's arduous journey to find a smile for congenitally toothless girl Nguyen Ngoc Hanh in 2020 was recreated by VTV as a documentary called: "Finding your smile" and was honored to be Nominated to participate in the 2022 Film Festival competition.


June 2018: Rapporteur at the Rhein'83 International Conference in Spain

The Rhein'83 International Conference in Barcelona, ​​Spain took place on a grand and professional scale, gathering more than 700 conference participants.

With the topic “Moving the mandibular nerve and Zygomatic implants in implant-covered restorations”, Dr. Vo Van Nhan brought a vivid visual report based on actual clinical cases.

May 2018: Rapporteur at the International Conference of the Dental Implant Association in Phnom Penh - Cambodia

At the Conference of the Cambodia Implant Association, Dr. Vo Van Nhan brought an extremely attractive topic: “Improved techniques in Zygoma implants - very good results after 5 years of follow-up”.

Dr. Vo Van Nhan's report was highly appreciated by leading implant experts in Southeast Asia for its scientific and practical value. Furthermore, with a vibrant, attractive, and engaging presentation, the report contributed greatly to the success of the Conference.

June 2017: Rapporteur at the International Conference "Global solutions in the treatment of complete tooth loss" held in Bologna - Italy

This is an annual conference organized by Rhein'83 with the participation of the world's leading experts and presenters in the Dentistry industry.

Dr. Vo Van Nhan reported on the topic: “Moving the mandibular nerve with implants in removable implant-covered prostheses”. The report left a lot of impression, receiving high praise from professors and international presenters at the conference.

April 2017: Rapporteur at the 23rd International Conference on Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in Hong Kong

Dr. Vo Van Nhan reported on the topic: “Fixed restoration for patients with congenital edentulous ectodermal dysplasia using the method of implanting the maxillary zygomatic bone implant and relocating the mandibular nerve to simultaneously implant the implant."

Dr. Vo Van Nhan's dental implant project for people with congenital toothlessness has brought profound practical and humanitarian significance, not only ensuring chewing function but also significantly improving Facial aesthetics, patients regain their radiant smile, become more open, more confident, and completely improve their quality of life.

The report has received a lot of praise and appreciation from reporters and experts around the world. Dr. Boyd Tomasetti (USA) shared: This is really a very good technique. Dr. Nhan's work has contributed to the perfection of implant technology in the world.

October 2015: Rapporteur at the International Conference on Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (ICOMS) in Melbourne - Australia

This is the world's leading scientific forum on research theory and clinical application development related to Oral and Maxillofacial surgery, attracting more than 1,700 delegates from 70 countries to attend.

Dr. Vo Van Nhan was invited to report at the conference with the topic: “Improving Zygomatic implant technique”. The success of the above technique has been highly appreciated by experts including Associate Professor Bente of the Institute of Clinical Dentistry, Oslo University, Norway and Associate Professor Dragan Grubor, Melbourne Dental University, contributing to the improvement and perfection of the technique. Cheekbone implant surgery in the world.


Scientific and continuing training conference on Dentistry organized by the Vietnam Stomatology Association (VOSA) in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019

Annual Scientific Conference on Ear, Nose and Throat

International Dental and Maxillofacial Science Conference & Exhibition 9, 10, 11, 12 organized by the Vietnam Dental and Maxillofacial Association (VOSA) in 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019

The 4th Conference on Dental Implantology (HSDI) (2017), 5th (2019) organized by the HCM Medical Association and the Dental Implant Association

VIDEC Scientific Conferences 9, 10, 11, 12 organized by the Vietnam Dental Association (VOSA) in 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019

International Dental and Maxillofacial Science Conference 2017


Chairman of the 10th International Dental and Maxillofacial Scientific Conference & Exhibition (VIDEC 10)

VIDEC 10 conference was held in Hanoi on August 25, 2017. This is the largest scientific event of the year in Vietnam, with great prestige and reputation domestically and internationally.

Attending the conference, Dr. Vo Van Nhan took on two roles: Chairman and Rapporteur. This is also the first time Dr. Vo Van Nhan introduced a new treatment method: Dental implantation for congenitally toothless patients, combining cheekbone implantation with mandibular nerve transfer.

Chairman of the 11th International Dental and Maxillofacial Scientific Conference & Exhibition (VIDEC 11)

VIDEC 11 is the largest scientific forum and international exhibition specialized in Dentistry in Vietnam, attracting over 30 countries and over 3,000 panelists. The conference was held in Hanoi on August 23, 2018, in coordination with the Dental Association and the World Dental Federation.

Dr. Vo Van Nhan has been trusted by the VIDEC 11 Conference Organizing Committee to be assigned the responsibility of Scientific Chair on the topic of Dental Implants at Hall C - Vietnam Soviet Conference Cultural Palace.

Chairman of the 12th International Dental and Maxillofacial Scientific Conference & Exhibition (VIDEC 12)

The 12th International Dental and Maxillofacial Scientific Conference & Exhibition (VIDEC 12) took place at the Friendship Cultural Palace, Hanoi with the topic: “Dentistry 4.0, 3-dimensional facial scanning technology - Application in design smiles, implants and prosthetics”.

Dr. Vo Van Nhan was honored to be invited to participate in the Conference as Chairman in Hall C - Friendship Cultural Palace, as well as a rapporteur. At the conference, Dr. Vo Van Nhan & Dr. Truong Chi Bao, representing Nhan Tam Dental, reported on the topic “Dentistry 4.0, 3-dimensional face scanning technology - Application in smile design, implants and prosthetics”.

Chairman of the 6th Dental and Maxillofacial Science and Continuing Education Conference

The 6th Dental and Maxillofacial Continuing Education and Science Conference (RHM) took place on April 27, 2018 in City. Vinh (Nghe An), organized by the Vietnam Association of Odonto-Stomatology in collaboration with Hanoi Central Hospital of Odonto-Stomatology.

Dr. Vo Van Nhan was invited to attend the conference as Chairman at Hall A - Muong Thanh Song Lam Hotel.

Chairman of the Conference on Bone Grafting and Sinus Lift in Dental Implants organized by HSDI

Dr. Vo Van Nhan was invited to be the Chairman of the Conference with the topic “Bone Grafting and Sinus Augmentation in Dental Implants” organized by the City Dental Implant Association. Ho Chi Minh City (HSDI) organized with main sponsorship from DENTIUM and Viet Dang company.

The conference took place over 2 days, August 27 - 28, 2016 with many scientific reports surrounding bone recovery solutions from simple to complex, including cases of lack of bone volume in 3 dimensions and loss of horny gums. chemistry. At the same time, it also presents the most effective materials available today, analyzes the healing mechanisms of grafts, favorable and unfavorable factors to optimize bone recovery results as well as limiting measures. and handle possible complications.

Chair of the 11th continuous training program organized by NIDP Biotech Dental Vietnam

The 11th continuous training program took place on December 8 - 9, 2017 at NEW WORLD Hotel with the topic: “Contemporary techniques to proactively treat & help simplify bone volume recovery." , especially creating aesthetic restorations on Implants”.

Dr. Vo Van Nhan was honored to be invited to be the chair and presenter with 2 reports: “3-dimensional grafting technique to restore severe osteoarthritis to optimize aesthetics and function for recovery Image on Implant” and “Transplantation to increase soft tissue volume around Implant in challenging cases”.


Vietnamese doctors move the mandibular nerve to implant dental implants

Dr. Vo Van Nhan has successfully performed the nerve transfer technique to implant implants for patients with NVL - who lost teeth due to bullets for more than 40 years, leading to severe jaw bone loss (not enough bone volume). and gums to place implants), implants cannot be placed using conventional methods.

After 5 months of surgery by Dr. Vo Van Nhan to move the nerve to replant the dental implant, patient NVL has completely recovered and can chew tough and hard foods well.

* Nerve transfer technique is an extremely complex technique, only performed in a few countries with developed medical systems. According to world medical literature, there are about 44 doctors who have performed and published in scientific journals about nerve transfer techniques for dental implants.

Vietnamese doctor implants cheekbone implant for patient with severe maxillary bone loss

Patients L.N.L had severe bone loss in the upper jaw, especially in the back teeth area, the jaw bone is low, the bone is lost both vertically and horizontally, the remaining bone is only a few millimeters. In this case, if treated with the old method (sinus graft and conventional implant), the success rate is low because the remaining bone in the maxillary sinus area is too thin and of poor quality, making it difficult to nourish the grafted bone. and unstable implants can easily lead to failure.

Therefore, to ensure better results for patients, Dr. Vo Van Nhan chose a new treatment method - Zygomatic Implant. This is a very difficult method because the implant has a long route and is located near important anatomical structures such as the maxillary sinus membrane, infraorbital nerve, orbital floor, etc.

With his experience and clinical skills, Dr. Vo Van Nhan performed the surgery very successfully, restoring the patient's confident smile.

Vietnamese doctor performs two techniques of transferring the mandibular nerve and implanting the upper cheekbone implant for toothless patients with congenitally missing teeth.

In Vietnam, Dr. Vo Van Nhan is the person who successfully performed dental implant surgery for people with congenitally missing teeth.

The first case Dr. Nhan performed in mid-2016 was a patient with NTKH - born with missing teeth so the jaw bone did not develop. Coupled with wearing dentures from a young age, the patient's upper and lower jawbones are severely depleted, making restoration using traditional dental techniques impossible.

To recover, there is only one solution: to perform two techniques at the same time: nerve transfer, implant implant to restore lower molar teeth and cheekbone implant to restore upper molar teeth. (*)

Patients N.T.K.H are born with missing teeth

(*)Complicated procedures/surgeries will be transferred to the hospital to perform

The second case of congenital toothlessness operated on by Dr. Vo Van Nhan in early 2017 was a B.Q.L patient with ectodermal dysplasia syndrome and congenital toothlessness.

BQL patients have had no teeth since birth, leading to the jaw bone not developing, the gums atrophying and thin, the upper jaw bone is reduced to just close to the base of the nose, and the lower jaw bone is very little, only 1 mm away from the nerve. With this situation, Dr. Vo Van Nhan also applied two techniques at the same time: nerve transfer surgery to plant lower molars and Cheekbone Implant to plant upper molars. (*)

The BQL patient suffered from ectodermal dysplasia syndrome and was born toothless

(*)Complicated procedures/surgeries will be transferred to the hospital to perform

Now, BQL patients can be completely confident with their strong teeth. L excitedly said: “Since the day I got my new tooth implant, I no longer have difficulty eating. Not only do I eat delicious rice, but now I also feel delicious in everything I eat...”

Grafting 2 pieces of iliac crest cortical bone for patients with cleft lip and palate

Dr. Vo Van Nhan invented and successfully applied the technique of grafting two pieces of iliac crest cortical bone to restore dental clefts for patients with cleft lip and palate. Dr. Nhan's research on this technique has been published by the world's leading medical journal "The Cleft Palate - Craniofacial Journal (CPCJ, USA)" of the American Craniofacial Cleft Palate Association. This is a famous journal in the world with over 50 years of experience in the field of craniofacial cleft palate research.

The patient has a unilateral cleft lip and dental arch, bone defect. Dr. Vo Van Nhan has combined techniques in orthodontics, taking iliac crest bone and grafting it to the bone defect area, implanting implants and restoring porcelain teeth fixed on implants.


2011: Won the consolation prize with the topic “Introduction and application of Dental CAD/CAM system (CEREC 2 machine)” at the 17th Youth Science and Technology Conference.

2011: Won the Second Poster prize with the topic “iliac crest bone removal, bone graft sinus augmentation and screw-on-implant restoration” at the 1st Dental Implant Conference.

2012: Second Poster Prize with the topic “Vertical and horizontal mass bone grafting in cases of severe alveolar bone defects” at the 15th Asia Pacific Conference (ICOI).

2013: Won the First Poster Prize with the topic “Lower dental nerve transfer surgery and dental implant” at the 2nd Dental Implant Conference.


1. N.V. Vo. Zygomatic implant – clinical case-series report. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 2015, Vol. 44, e156–e157

2. N.V. Vo. Fixed prosthesis of an ectodermal dysplasia patient with total anodontia using maxillary zygomatic implants and mandibular nerve repositioning simultaneous with implant placement. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 2017, Vol. 46, p103.

3. N.V. Vo. Transpositioning Inferior Alveolar Nerve For Dental Implant Placement: A Clinical Case Report. Global D Clinical Compendium 2017, Vol 2, p30.

4. Vo Van Nhan, Lam Dai Phong, Truong Chi Bao, Trinh Quang Tri, Ta Dong Quan, 3D bone grafting techniques in reconstruction of atrophic alveolar ridge in combination with implant placement. Biomedical Research and Therapy, 2017, Vol 4, Issue S, p.11.

5. Ciro Gargiulo Isacco, Kieu C. D. Nguyen, Vo Van Nhan, Gianna Dipalma. Innovative Scaffold Solution for Bone Regeneration Made of Beta-Tricalcium Phosphate Granules, Autologous Fibrin Fold, and Peripheral Blood Stem Cells. Regenerative Medicine and Plastic Surgery, pp 167-179.

6. Van Nhan V, Van Son L, Tuan TA, Son NT, Hai TD, Lanh LD, Ha NM, Phong LD. A New Technique in Alveolar Cleft Bone Grafting for Dental Implant Placement in Patients with Cleft Lip and Palate. The Cleft Palate Craniofac J. 2018 Feb;55(2):180-188.

* The Cleft Palate - Craniofacial Journal (CPCJ, USA) belongs to the American Cleft Palate and Craniofacial Association, and is the world's leading scientific journal. This is an international magazine published monthly on skull differences, an official publication of ACPA, receiving attention from many countries around the world, especially in the medical community. Every month, The Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal has reports and scientific research on treatment, including surgical procedures and experimental evidence of cleft lip deformities and skull abnormalities.


1. Vo Van Nhan (2002), "Introduction to the dental CAD-CAM system and application of in vitro research on micro-interstitial sinus restoration type II", collection of scientific research works RHM 2002, University of Medicine Ho Chi Minh City Pharmacy.

2. Vo Van Nhan (2003), "Introduction to the dental CAD-CAM system and application of in vitro research on micro-interstitial sinus restoration type II", Journal of Morphology, volume 13, number 02/2003.

3. Vo Van Nhan (2010), "Maxillary sinus lift, bone grafting and implant", Proceedings of the scientific research project, Ho Chi Minh City Central Hospital of Odonto-Stomatology, p. 41-49.

4. Vo Van Nhan (2013), "Implant after open sinus lift with bone graft", Vietnam Medical Journal, No. 1, p. 98-101.

5. Ta Anh Tuan, Vo Van Nhan (2013), “Cubic bone grafting in patients with maxillary alveolar bone loss”, Vietnam Medical Journal, No. 2, p. 87-90.

6. Vo Van Nhan (2014), "Inferior alveolar nerve transfer surgery and dental implant implantation: clinical case report", Journal of Medical Research, No. 1, p. 89-99.

7. Vo Van Nhan (2014), “Implant implantation in patients with cleft lip and palate”, Journal of Clinical Medicine 108, No. 2, pp. 54-58.

8. Vo Van Nhan (2014), "Technique of two-piece iliac crest cortical bone grafting in restoring dental clefts in patients with cleft lip and palate", Journal of Clinical Medicine 108, No. 3, p. 95-99.

9. Vo Van Nhan, Nguyen Tai Son (2017), "Improved techniques in cheekbone implants", Vietnam Medical Journal, No. 1, p. 30-32.


1997: Graduated with honors from Ho Chi Minh City University of Medicine and Pharmacy. Ho Chi Minh, is one of 10 doctors recruited directly into the Resident Doctor program.

2002: Graduated as a resident doctor at Ho Chi Minh City University of Medicine and Pharmacy. Ho Chi Minh. The doctor successfully applied automatic porcelain tooth manufacturing technology using computers - Dental CAD/CAM technology with the topic: "Introducing the dental CAD/CAM system and applying research in Vitro to micro-interstitial restorations type II sinus" - Master's thesis - Resident physician, 2002.

2003: Graduated from a 2-year training course in oral surgery - periodontics in the inter-university cooperation program between Marseille University and Ho Chi Minh City University of Medicine and Pharmacy. Ho Chi Minh.

2010: Graduated from the Dental Implant training program at New York University, USA.

2012: Graduated from Master Clinican In Implant Dentistry at UCLA University, USA.

2015: Successfully defended doctoral thesis with the topic: “Research on implant implantation in patients with jaw bone implants after total cleft lip and palate surgery”.