Dr Vo Van Nhan - And special cases (Part 2)

Author: Dr. Nhan Tam View: 1,786
Dr. Nhan is the only person performing four intensive techniques at the same times including inferior alveolar nerve transposition, vertical iliac crest bone graft, mandible soft tissue graft, dental implant restoration.

The new breakthrough in Implant Dentistry in Vietnam

40 years ago, Mr.Luom was shot and his left jaw bone was broken. He lost all of his lower molars and 9 upper molars. Up to now, his face has been deformed, his voice is whispered, the dentures are becoming looser and looser, so it is very hard for him when eating, chewing, he just only can eat soft foods...his health gradually decreases from 50 kg only 38 kg.

Mr. Luom said: "In many years I really want to eat well but I cannot chew. I always wish to have a normal teeth set. I went to many dental clinics and they said it was very hard for dental restoration. I almost ran out of hope!"

The miracle came to me when my son had found the information on the internet and took me to Nhan Tam dental clinic. After the examination, Dr. Vo Van Nhan said my case could be treated but the nerve repositioning surgery had to perform.

Five months after the nerve repositioning for dental implant surgery, Mr. Luom completely recovered and could chew even hard and tough food.

Dr. Vo Van Nhan reported this case at The Dental Implant Conference held by HCM Dental Implant Association on November 10, 2013. This is the first case of Reposition the inferior alveolar nerve and dental implant placement performed and reported in Vietnam.

The Nerve repositioning technique only performs in advanced medical countries. Now, according to the world medical literature review, there are 44 doctors could perform the nerve repositioning technique in the dental implant and published on the scientific journal.

This success will bring hope to those who suffer from tooth loss. Especially in complex cases that conventional implantation technique cannot work. This is a new development in the dental implant dentistry in Vietnam.

The advantage of nerve repositioning technique

The greatest strength of the nerve repositioning technique is the ability of application in may complex cases that conventional bone graft method and the normal dental implant cannot perform. This technique considers as the last method for the edentulous patients and atrophic mandible to have the useful aesthetic teeth. In addition, this method limits the injury during the dental implant surgery when bone height is not allowed. So that why this technique is highly applicable to cases of teeth loss and removable denture wear for many years in Vietnamese patients.

However, this technique has some disadvantages such as lip numbness, which is usually temporary (6 months to 1 year) but there are also few cases that are permanent, depending on the equipment and doctors' skills. Therefore, this technique is only available to doctors who have good experience and skills.

New breakthrough in the implant industry of Vietnam

According to Dr. Le Van Son - Head of Reconstructive and Maxillofacial Surgery Department at the Hanoi National Hospital of Odonto-Stomatology, the Vietnamese dental implant dentistry has been growing for about 10 years. Although there are some improvement steps, there still has not left a significant mark. The Reposition the inferior alveolar nerve and dental implant placement performed by Dr. Nhan is a good sign for the dental implant dentistry in Vietnam.

"As far as I know, up to now in our country, Dr. Nhan is the only person performing four intensive techniques at the same times including inferior alveolar nerve transposition, vertical iliac crest bone graft, mandible soft tissue graft, dental implant restoration. This is the first breakthrough surgical case because the patients have been improved the bone, soft tissue, and restore the chewing function as nearly normal" Dr. Le Van Son.