Reviving teeth with implant technology

Author: Dr. Nhan Tam View: 1,726
Dental implant placement is considered to be an outstanding achievement of modern dentistry. This method has helped many people "revive" not just one but many teeth, even whole teeth with aesthetic and optimal chewing function.

Why should you have dental implants?

Dental implants are the best teeth restoration technology today with many advantages compared to conventional methods.





In which cases should you have dental implants?

  • Losing an incisor or molar.
  • Losing multiple adjacent or distant teeth.
  • Missing the entire teeth on one or both jaws.

Cases that should have dental implants

To be sure whether your case should be treated with dental implants, you should go to a reputable dental clinic for specialist consultation and examination.

How many types of implant are there?

  • One implant fixture on one jaw: This solution is applied for cases of one tooth missing on the jaw.

Implanting one fixture on one jaw

  • Removable dentures on implants: This is a method of implanting 2-4 implant fixtures into the jaw and attach a removable denture on to those fixtures. The denture will be fixed on a titanium bar, which will be secured on to the implant fixtures. This solution is for cases of complete teeth loss on one or both jaws with severe gums recession.

Removable denture on 2 - 4 implant fixtures

  • All-on-4 and All-on-6 dental implants: All on 4 and All on 6 are dental restoration techniques using 4 - 6 implant fixtures and a specially designed set of crowns to achieve high effectiveness, short duration and cost-effective. This solution is especially suitable for cases of complete teeth lost.

All-on-6 and All-on-4 dental implants

The benefits of dental implants

High aesthetics value

Implanted teeth have shape, color and natural gloss like real teeth, indistinguishable with the naked eyes. This helps the patient to be confident, comfortable in daily communication.

Complete restoration of dental functions

Implanted teeth are made of titanium and porcelain which is very durable, does not oxidize in the oral cavity environment. In addition, the implant fixtures are firmly integrated into the jawbone, acting like a real root, so it is very rigid, highly resistant, and helps to restore the chewing function as well as effective pronunciation.

Dental implant bring strong teeth and beautiful smiles to patients


The implant materials are very benign, helping to prevent the oral cavity from being irritated and cause gums swelling as well as do not cause any side effects.

Prevent jaw bone recession

Long-term teeth loss will cause the jaw bone structure to change, the bone will gradually disappear. Implanted teeth have fixtures which act as root inserted into the jaw bone, preventing bone loss, sunken cheeks, deformity, etc.

Long-term teeth loss will lead to bone loss

Do not affect adjacent teeth

Implant placement process is completely independent, no need for interaction or support from the surrounding teeth. Therefore, this technique will not affect or require trimming of the adjacent teeth.

Long-lasting durability

According to many studies, implanted teeth can last for a very long time, even forever if they are properly implanted, well cared for and made out of good, genuine materials.

Implants are completely independent, no need for support from the surrounding teeth

Dental implant procedure

The dental implant process at Nhan Tam Dental Clinic is always accurate with strict accordance to the international standards.

Stage 1: General examination and counseling

Stage 2: Taking Panorex film and ConeBeam CT 3D scan to examine the jaw bone condition

Stage 3: Analyze the images, give feedback to the customer

Stage 4: Take the patient's teeth impression and plan the appropriate positions for the implants depends on each case

Stage 5: Formulate a treatment regimen

Stage 6: Implant surgery

  • Conduct anesthesia with anesthetics imported from France
  • Using Simplant 3D Implant Software to position the implants accurately
  • Piezotome ultrasound system ensures painless surgery process and quick healing

Stage 7: Create porcelain crowns and secure those crowns onto the implants.

Stage 8: Home care instruction and schedule a follow-up dental visit.

The dental implant process at Nhan Tam Dental Clinic

How long does dental implant treatment last?

Normally, a dental implant treatment takes about 4-6 months. During the course of the treatment, you have to go through two stages, including:

  • Stage 1: Implanting the implant fixtures to the jaw bone takes about 1 hour to perform. However, it requires about 4-6 months for the implant fixtures to be fully integrated into the bone and soft tissues (depending on bone quality, implant position, and implant fixtures' size).
  • Stage 2: Securing dental crowns on the implant fixtureafter they are fully integrated with the bone and soft tissues. The process of securing dental crowns takes only a few hours.

>Dr. Vo Van Nhan performing dental implant surgery for patients with teeth loss

However, the implant duration depends on many factors such as:

  • Patients with oral infections, gingivitis or periodontitis, can have longer treatment time (more than 6 months).
  • Cases of low bone density, not qualified for implant surgery will require bone graft - sinus lift. For such cases, the implant period can last from 6-9 months.

Who is the leading doctor of implant dentistry in Vietnam?

Dr. Vo Van Nhan - Director of Nhan Tam Dental Clinic is the leading implant specialist in Vietnam with over 20 years of experience in the field of Dental Implant.

Graduated in the field of Dental Implant from prestigious universities both within the country and overseas

  • Graduated Master Implant at UCLA University - USA.
  • Graduated Implant professional at New York University - USA.
  • Graduated in Oral Surgery and Intensive Implantology, Marseille University - France.
  • Graduated from Dental Implant Training Program at New York University - USA.
  • Successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis with the topic "Implant transplant research in patients who have had jaw implants after liposuction and palatoplasty".

The first and only Vietnamese doctor who successfully performed complex dental implant cases.

  • Performing the two most difficult implant procedure (repositioning the nerves of the lower jaw and zygomatic implants) on the same patient.
  • Performed autograft by using 2 pieces of iliac bone to cure complete cleft lip and palate for implant placement (With this procedure, more than 90% of type 1 bony bridges are eligible for surgery with 100% successful rate).
  • The first doctor in Vietnam to research and successfully perform dental implant for patients with congenital teeth lost in 2016.

The only Vietnamese doctor to be continuously invited to attend International Conferences on Dental Implants.

Successfully treated 100% of implants cases, bringing healthy, perfect teeth for patients.


  • A team of doctors with a deep understanding of dental implant graduated from famous universities within the country and internationally, in charge by Dr. Vo Van Nhan - the leading implant specialist in Vietnam.
  • Sterilization system of international standards with a strict sterile procedure. Sterilized rooms are equipped with modern equipment and specialized staffs with professional qualifications.
  • Utilizing modern implant technology with Cone Beam CT 3D imaging, Chiropro L implantology system, Piezotome ultrasonic surgery unit, CAD/CAM system with a modern lab right at the clinic, etc.
  • Free examination, consultation, and transportation service.
  • Dedicated care before, during and after treatment.


Customers' images of before and after planting implants at Nhan Tam