Instruction on the effective way to whitening teeth using trays

Author: Dr. Nhan Tam View: 973
Doctor, can you tell me how to whiten teeth with trays? I'm planning to use this method to improve my teeth color but I don't know how to use it? Also, what is the price of this method and is there a better way? Can you give me some advice? Thank you! (Ngoc Ha - Ho Chi Minh City)


Dear Miss Ngoc Ha, we sincerely thank you for trusting and share with us your inquiries. We will guide you on the process of whitening teeth with trays, the procedure is as follows.

Instruction on whitening teeth by trays

When you come to Nhan Tam Dental Clinic for this service, before giving you the trays for you to whiten your teeth at home, dentists will guide you meticulously step by step. However, for you to have a better perspective before deciding to choose this method, we will talk a little bit about teeth whitening with trays.

Teeth whitening (bleaching) trays are made of clear plastic, based on the data of teeth ratio, size of each person. Therefore, the trays are fit very close to your teeth and gums. To get the best results from the method, you need to follow the steps in the instruction.

Teeth whitening trays are made of clear plastic

First, you need to see the dentist directly for examination and to see if your teeth are healthy enough to perform the whitening. If there are signs of disease, the dentist will prescribe a treatment first.

After the examination, the dentist will clean the oral cavity and get the marking of the teeth, the marking will be sent to Labo for trays manufacture.

Finally, before giving you the bleaching trays to whiten your teeth at home, the dentist will give you specific instructions on how to do it and schedule a follow-up visit to monitor the progress.

When you go for the whitening trays method, follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Maintain oral hygiene after dinner by brushing, flossing, and use mouthwash. Then, give a sufficient amount of gel into the trays and insert into your teeth.
  • Step 2: You hold the trays in your mouth for about 30 minutes - 1 hour so the gel has time to absorb deep into the enamel. In the meantime, you can go on with your daily routine such as reading, working, studying, etc.
  • Step 3: Remove the trays and rinse your mouth thoroughly with water.

Patiently do so until you used up two syringes combined with periodical dental visits as instructed by the doctor to achieve the highest efficiency. In addition, you should also avoid consuming acidic and colored foods such as red wine, beer, tea, coffee, soy sauce, tomato sauce, etc.

You should also avoid consuming acidic and colored foods after teeth whitening

How much does it cost to whitening teeth with trays?

To help you determine the exact amount you need for teeth whitening, please refer to the price list below at Nhan Tam Dental Clinic:

If you notice, there is another service called Laser Whitening. This is the method of whitening at the dental clinic, but it requires only one time to perform with a total duration of 1 hour.

After that short period of time, your teeth will be 4 to 5 times shinier and brighter. Not only that, this method also ensures you the highest safety level with a full set of equipment and protective gears such as glasses, lip separators, gums, etc. The effectiveness is also long-lasting, about 3-5 years depending on how you care for your teeth.

Teeth before and after whitening

If you feel it is time-consuming to whiten your teeth with trays, consider using this Laser Whitening method. Whatever the choice, Nhan Tam Dental Clinic will be happy to consult and care for you.