Surgical Orthodontics

Author: Dr. Nhan Tam View: 574
Surgical orthodontics is the most effective technique to generate spectacular, long-lasting outcomes in complicated patients. This procedure is frequently performed in conjunction with orthodontic therapy to move teeth into their right places and give you the smile you've always wanted.

What is Surgical Orthodontics?

Surgical orthodontics, often known as jaw surgery, is a dental and skeletal correction technique that involves straightening and repositioning the jaw and teeth. How your orthodontist approaches your surgery will depend on a number of factors, such as the severity of your condition and the placement of your jaw and teeth.

For optimal precision and reduced treatment times, your orthodontist uses cutting-edge digital imaging and computerized treatment planning to prepare for your orthodontic surgery. Your orthodontist will collaborate with your oral surgeon to choose the best course of action, so you can be confident that the results will be worth smiling about.

Do I need Surgical Orthodontics?

So, how can you know whether you're a good candidate for orthodontic surgery? It comes down to your jaw development. A disparity in size and function can occur if the upper and lower jaws grow at different rates. By properly aligning the jaws, corrective jaw surgery aims to address these anomalies in the facial bones. Orthodontic surgery produces an aligned bite and straight teeth when used in conjunction with braces or Invisalign for the optimal blend of form and function.

If you’re experiencing any of the following, you may want to consider surgical orthodontics:

  • Difficulty chewing, biting or swallowing food
  • Chronic jaw or jaw joint (TMJ) pain and headaches
  • Open bite (when there’s a space between the upper and lower teeth when the mouth is closed)
  • Asymmetrical facial appearance from the front or side
  • Injury to the jaw or face
  • Birth defects
  • Receding lower jaw and chin
  • Protruding jaw
  • Difficulty or inability to make the lips meet without straining
  • Chronic mouth breathing
  • Sleep apnea

Even in the most severe situations, jaw surgery isn't always necessary. Many instances that formerly would have required surgical intervention can now be resolved solely by orthodontic treatment. However, each person's mouth is unique, and whether or not you require orthodontic treatment is dependent on your specific circumstances.

The only way to find out if you're a surgical orthodontics candidate is to arrange a free consultation with Nhan Tam Dental Clinic (or a virtual consultation if you can't make it in person!).