Things you should know about teeth whitening

Author: Dr. Nhan Tam View: 850
Teeth whitening is increasingly popular and is considered to be an effective way to improve oral aesthetic. Teeth whitening at Nhan Tam Dental Clinic with new dental technology and a team of dedicated doctors will help you possess a beautiful and confident smile.

The result of teeth whitening depends on factors such as causes, severity, the time of color infection, the time exposed to whitening gel. In addition, the results also depend on the level of gel absorption in each person.

Teeth whitening methods

There are two main ways of whitening: whitening at the clinic and whitening at home. Another method is to combine the two ways, which yield the best result.

If you choose to whiten your teeth at the clinic, you will be using whitening gel with laser system under the supervision of a specialized doctor. Before the bleaching, you will be thoroughly examined, remove tartar and if you are suffering from tooth decay or other dental diseases, you will be treated first before teeth whitening.

Laser Whitening is considered to be a superfast whitening method by experts

It is important for your doctor to determine the causes of darkened teeth and how it was darkened. If teeth are yellowed due to pigmentation from a young age or due to genetic, whitening will not be effective.

Teeth whitening at home is a method utilized by many people

The second option is home whitening, which only requires whitening gel and trays for home use. This method is simple but also requires patience to yield result.

Things to note for when whitening teeth

First of all, not everyone can whiten their teeth. Before bleaching, patients will be examined carefully and thoroughly. There are cases that should not be whitened because it will affect health and other problems. Other cases such as pregnancy, breastfeeding, or those with bad dental structures must avoid whitening completely as it will affect the gums, teeth, etc., causing sensitivity and irritate the pulp. You should visit a reputable dental clinic to be examined by doctors to determine if your teeth can be bleach or not.

Secondly, the safety and effectiveness of whitening depend on the bleaching method and how it is done by specialists. You should find a reliable dental clinic and follow your doctor's instructions to achieve the desired results.

Before deciding to whiten your teeth, you should visit a reputable dental clinic for a thorough examination and consultation

How long can the teeth maintain it shine is depend on the care and preservation of the patient. Diet, oral hygiene, etc., are the factors that determine how long you white teeth last. It also depends on the condition of each person. In most cases, the white color will become stable after 2 weeks of bleaching and last from 6 months to 1 year. After that, it would darken over time but is still shine brighter than the original teeth color. Some people can maintain their white teeth from 3 to 4 years.

Depending on your preference, you can continue to whiten teeth after 6 months or 1 year (Only require one time at the clinic or 1 to 2 nights at home).

Is whitening bad for your teeth?

The whitening gel is completely harmless to the teeth or weakens the teeth because it uses oxidation-reduction-reaction, releasing pure oxygen into the teeth which cut off the color protein chains, making us no longer see the color under the sunlight. Teeth whitening does not remove any elements of the teeth.

Why teeth whitening does not yield results in some cases?

Doctor Vo Van Nhan shared: If teeth discoloration is due to physiologically or other external factors then teeth whitening will have good results. In contrast, most internal factors (such as tetracycline stain) cannot be resolved by teeth whitening. In general, yellowed teeth are more easy to bleach than orange or brown and the most difficult is blue-gray. Bleaching tetracycline stained teeth usually does not work when the teeth are darkened. When teeth and enamel are defective, it is difficult to predict the outcome.

You should also avoid colored food after teeth whitening

Is teeth whitening painful?

Some people may experienced sensitivity, but this is usually mild after two days of bleaching. For people who have heavy sensitivity will be prescribed medicine at the clinic. There is no side reaction in most cases.

The bleach at the dentist with a neutral pH is considered to be the safest. In some cases, there is a temporary discomfort in whitening. Sensitive teeth are the most recorded side effect. To reduce sensitivity during whitening, it is possible to:

  • Reduce tray wearing duration (from all night to a few hours per day).
  • Reduced tray wearing time (wear only once per 2 nights).
  • Reduce the density of the material.
  • Use sensitivity-reducing toothpaste.
  • Use anti-inflammatory or pain-reducing medication.

Reduce tray wearing duration (from all night to a few hours per day)

The effects of teeth whitening

The reaction to bleaching will vary depending on the structure of the teeth and the condition of each individual as well as many other reasons that science cannot explain yet. Doctors can not predict the result of the patient's teeth. Statistics show that 95% of people respond very well to teeth bleaching and only 5% respond slowly or not respond at all, these cases usually returns to normal very quickly.

Teeth before and after whitening

Hopefully, the information above will help you better understand teeth whitening. If there are any questions that need to be answered, please contact Nhan Tam Dental Clinic for a detailed consultation.