Common oral diseases in older persons

Author: Dr. Nhan Tam View: 901
Changes in the oral mucosa, dental caries, periodontal disease, or temporomandibular disorders... are common oral diseases in older persons.

1. Changes in the oral mucosa

The oral mucosa becomes thin, smooth, dry, less elastic, easily injured but slow to heal.

In particular, changes in the salivary glands: the aging process causes the glandular parenchyma to gradually decrease and replace it with fatty and connective tissue, thereby reducing saliva production and causing many problems. Oral health problems such as tooth decay, periodontitis, burning sensation in the mouth, ...

Changes in teeth: teeth become dark, brittle, easy to crack.

2. Dental caries

In the elderly, tooth decay is often accompanied by receding gums due to periodontal disease and dry mouth.

Causes of dental caries: caused by bacteria acting on food (mainly starch), producing acids that destroy the tooth structure, creating holes in the surface called caries.

3. Periodontal disease

Periodontal disease is a major problem for the oral health of the elderly. Without timely intervention, it will lead to bone loss, loss of ligaments around the teeth, loose teeth, and eventually tooth loss.

Many studies show that periodontal disease and its severity increase with age.

4. Temporomandibular disorders

Degenerative changes in organs, osteoarthritis and tooth loss that have not been restored for a long time are common causes of damage to the joint and joint discs, leading to TMJ dysfunction.

Symptoms: Pain in the temporomandibular joint, jaw fatigue, limited movement of the lower jaw (difficulty opening the mouth), a sound in the joints.

5. Dry mouth

Long-term dry mouth changes the salivary glands, making saliva more mucus and viscous, easier to create plaque, creating a favorable environment for bacteria that cause tooth decay, gingivitis, periodontitis.

Causes: Decreased salivation due to diabetes, neuritis, pernicious anemia, drugs, tissue degeneration, radiation therapy to the head and face,...

Lack of saliva makes lips hot, tongue cracked, oral mucosa dry, thick white, and foul, making food retention, swallowing difficult because saliva is essential for lubrication.

6. Tooth wear and tooth sensitivity


  • Physiology: Usage time
  • Food: High in fiber and acid
  • Brushing teeth incorrectly
  • Chatter

Consequences: Joint pain, tooth fracture, temporomandibular joint pain, difficulty chewing

7. Oral cancer

50% of oral cancers metastasize when detected, so the survival rate is low. Factors, risk: smoking, betel nut, drinking alcohol. 60% of oral cancers are linked to betel nut and alcohol consumption.

To thoroughly treat oral diseases in the elderly, come to Nhan Tam Dental Clinic immediately. Here, good doctors with modern machinery and equipment will help patients own strong teeth.