Dental implant placement for complete lip and palate cleft reconstruction

Author: Dr. Nhan Tam View: 689
Dental implant placement on bone grafted patients after cleft lip and palate reconstructive surgery research.

The thesis summary of the new scientific contributions:

Dental implant placement for complete lip and palate cleft reconstruction The technique of grafting two iliac bone blocks in restoring the alveolar process

We have developed the two iliac bone blocks autograft techniques in cleft palate reconstruction. A block of compact bone, with the size of the cleft, is placed on the nasal lining flap, then the iliac spongy bone is added until the cleft is nearly full. After that, a second bone block with both compact and spongy bone that is bigger than the cleft covering the entire gap and secured with screws. This technique combines the advantages of compact bone and spongy bone: the compact bone with the rigid mechanical property that helps to limit bone resorption and the implant easily achieve initial stability while the spongy bone with angiogenesis property and quick healing. Iliac crest bone can be obtained in large quantities that are recommended for large cleft or bilateral cleft.

Utilizing this technique show good results: 90.6% had type I bone that qualify for implant placement and the implant survival rate was 100% after 18 months of monitoring.

Dental implant placement for complete lip and palate cleft reconstruction

Vo Van Nhan DDS.PhD

The results and methods may vary depending on the condition and physical condition of each person

Dental implant placement for complete lip and palate cleft reconstruction Provide implant treatment procedure for cleft lip and palate patients with over 16 years of age.