Porcelain crowns price

Author: Dr. Nhan Tam View: 997
The porcelain crowns are one of the most perfect dental restorations for people who have lost teeth, broken teeth, gap teeth, stained teeth, crooked teeth. This method for porcelain veneers, which is currently using at Nhan Tam dental clinic, is chosen by the majority of clients, with the desire to own beautiful shiny teeth, and a better smile.

The aesthetic porcelain crowns improve the condition of buck-teeth, underbite, cracked tooth, stained teeth,...

Not many people were born luckily to own a beautiful teeth set and a pretty smile. The defects of overbite, underbite, accidents other reasons make you are not happy and lose confidence because of your teeth. With the development of the modern dentistry, these defects are no longer a concern.

The porcelain crowns procedure at Nhan Tam Dental Clinic

The aesthetic porcelain crowns is a process of creating a dental crown from the real teeth, then attaching an outside porcelain veneers form to restore the comprehensive dental defects, such as color, shape, chewing function, and aesthetics.

At present, at Nhan Tam Dental Clinic, the orthodontists who perform the porcelain crowns are following correctly the process to optimize the manipulation and combine with the most modern machines, in order to follow the porcelain teeth procedure and ensure the customer's safety and the most effectiveness. Shorten the completed time for porcelain crowns procedure.

Porcelain teeth procedure at Nhan Tam Dental Clinic

Follow-up and consulting: First, the patient will be scanned, oral general examination, if there are any tooth diseases, it will be treated before fixing the porcelain teeth. According to the film and careful examination, the doctor will consult correctly.

Direct examination and consultation is the first step in making aesthetic porcelain crowns

Oral hygiene: Patients will be cleared of the tartar, and plaque on their teeth. The used equipment is aseptic to ensure the safest.

Anesthetize and grinding: patients will be anesthesia, then grind the tooth crown to make the pillar, depend on how many porcelain veneers. During the Labo analyze and make the crown, the patients are fixed the permanent teeth to keep the outlook, and not interfere with communication as well as work.

Get the tooth seal, filling the sample accurately. The tooth sealing process is very important. Choose the appropriate type of ceramic, compare to the tooth color, to transfer to the manufacturer to create beautiful and accurate. All stages are related to each other, so any wrong step affects the whole process.

Anesthesia keep the patient comfortable during the treatment

Fitting porcelain crowns: In each case, the doctor must have experience and understand the desires of each patient in order to produce the desired results as the original. The doctor will check the angle to fit the teeth when attaching the porcelain teeth to the complete crown. Eventually, the patient will be scheduled for a follow-up visit to check again.

The results and methods may vary depending on the individual's condition

When you need the porcelain crowns?

First, Porcelain crowns are indicated for the loss of teeth, can lose one or more teeth, broken and chipped teeth when the filling is no longer effective.

Second, the dead tooth often crushed, vulnerable to broken, cracked. In this case, porcelain crowns are to protect the teeth firmly, avoid the risk of rupture, loss of teeth, keep the healthy teeth and survive longer.

Thirdly, when the decayed tooth is too serious, the actual tissue becomes weak that is the time when the porcelain crowns are covered with the purpose of preventing tooth decay and further destroying the teeth with the impact of the bacteria.

The results and methods may vary depending on the individual's condition

In addition, in the serious case of tetracycline color effect on teeth, teeth whitening are no longer effective, porcelain crowns are the solution that many people choose. Porcelain Crowns help to improve the perfect aesthetics for the cases such as impact, crook, gap or overbite...

Advantages of porcelain crowns

The most aesthetic and natural restoration method is likely porcelain crowns. Now, there are many types of ceramic material with high biological and aesthetic interdependence. The Cercon porcelain is considered to be the ideal solution, as its properties are resistant to plaque buildup on the surface of the teeth, help the teeth shiny and especially have not found any cases of allergy in the past 20 years.

The second advantage, the chewing function of porcelain teeth is equivalent to real teeth. Cercon Ceram Ceramic features hard, strong so it has a very high endurance.

Aesthetic porcelain crowns bring aesthetic teeth after treatment.

The third advantage is the safety of the body, no irritation, and complications, in the case of careful antiseptic and performed by the prestigious and quality dental clinic. Even in acidic environments, porcelain teeth are unchanged in composition as well as in color.

Initially, porcelain crowns can cause sensitive gums, but this depends on the level of sensitivity of each person. Before the decision restoration by plant the porcelain crowns, you should find out and choose a prestige Dental with good experience dentist to achieve the desired results initially, avoid suffer costly and unnecessary complications.

When ensuring the porcelain crowns technique as the modern standard with a skillful, highly qualified doctor, and also good dental care, the porcelain crowns can last for decades without damage, or worn out.

The modern tooth restoration phenomenon is improving the tooth function and aesthetic and also maximize the teeth preservation. According to Dr. Vo Van Nhan, have to limit the tooth grinding and take out the pulp as much as possible. This is quite hard and needs the skill of the treating doctor.

Porcelain crowns price at Nhan Tam Dental Clinic