Warranty policy and condition for dental filling

Author: Dr. Nhan Tam View: 1,499
Teeth filling is a service employed by many people to resolve slight teeth decay, chipping, and breakage, etc. To protect the customers' interest who used this service, Nhan Tam dental clinic have the following warranty terms and conditions.

1. This warranty apply to

All customers who had dental filling treatment at Nhan Tam Dental Clinic.

2. Warranty method

  • Warranty card
  • Online warranty

3. Warranty period

6 months after a service

4. Warranty Policy

If the filling fell out within the warranty duration, patients can have another filling treatment completely free. Beyond the warranty duration, patients will have a 10% discount.

5. Warranty Scope

 Patient attend at Nhan Tam Dental Clinic.
The fillings fell out.
Has a valid warranty card within the warranty period.
Improper oral-hygiene following to doctor’s instruction.
Bite/chew hard foods (bone, ice, open beer bottle, etc.).
Fillings are located at the edge of the teeth
Customized filling (despite being warned against by the doctor that it can easily fell out).



Things you should avoid after teeth filling treatment

After teeth filling treatment, you will need to avoid eating and drinking within the first 2 hours so that the fillings have time to harden and not chipping off.

Avoid hard and chewy food, etc. as they can break off the fillings, especially fillings in the incisor area.

Try not let the filling area withstand strong impacts, or bite hard things, use moderate bite force to ensure fillings.

Avoid eating food with high temperature as the filling material is sensitive to heat.

With cosmetic fillings, patients should avoid using carbonated, colored beverages such as soft drinks, tea, coffee, etc. Because it can dull the color in time.

Things you should do after teeth filling treatment

Perform oral hygiene after each meal at least 2 times a day.

Use soft-bristle brushes with reasonable brush force to avoid eroding or shifting the filling.

Try using dental floss to clean out stuck food instead of toothpicks.

After a meal, especially after eating sugary food, you should rinse your mouth right away. For convenience, you can rinse with water or just drink a lot of water.

Use warm salt water or genuine mouthwashes to ensure the mouth always stay clean.

After teeth filling, if problems were to occur, such as: sensitivity, discomfort, trouble when eating, etc. You should visit the dentist right away for examination. Absolutely do not buy medicine of your own accord or that of friends and families as depend on each individual physical condition, the medicine can have a different effect, only qualified dentists can prescribe you the appropriate medicine.

With the fillings terms and conditions mentioned above, we hope you would have a better understanding and feel more at ease when using services at Nhan Tam Dental Clinic. If you still have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us for consultation from experts free of charge.