Allo doctors: Q & A about periodontal disease

Author: Dr. Nhan Tam View: 1,024
Equipping general knowledge about periodontal disease will help people have ways to prevent it, as well as early detection and treatment in time to avoid unfortunate consequences such as tooth loss, tooth abscess,...

1. Question: What is periodontal disease?

Answer: Periodontal disease is an inflammation of the periodontal organization, affecting the supporting structure of the tooth, causing the tooth to lose its connection with this supporting organization. The periodontal disease initially affects only the soft tissue - the gums - then can develop to affect the alveolar bone that plays an important role in keeping teeth. In severe cases, periodontal disease can cause tooth loss, tooth loss.

2. Question: What is the end result of this disease?

Answer: If not treated, the end result in most cases is that the patient loses teeth.

3. Question: So can periodontal treatment be?

Answer: It is treatable, but depending on the severity, early treatment at a specialist will get positive results.

4. Question: How?

Answer: Should be detected early and treated early.

5. Question: At what stage is the disease detected for a treatment called early?

Answer: At the stage called gingivitis. Because at this stage the disease has not destroyed the deep periodontal tissue below.

6. Question: How do I know if I have gingivitis early?

Answer: When brushing teeth, there are bleeding gums. This is an early and valuable clinical sign to recognize gingivitis, so you should see a dentist for immediate treatment.

7. Question: Is periodontal treatment painful?

Answer: With current means of treatment, there is no pain, temporary discomfort, and a little toothache, but will return to normal soon after.

8. Question: Can periodontal disease be prevented? How?

Answer: Preventive. To prevent periodontal disease effectively, you must do the following:

  • Brush your teeth exactly as directed by the Doctor after each main daily meal.
  • Periodic scaling (6 months) because tartar is a favorable factor for the retention of plaque and accumulation of disease-causing bacteria.

9. Question: If gingivitis is not treated, how will the disease progress?

Answer: Most cases of gingivitis will progress to periodontitis. This is a severe stage of the disease, treatment is difficult, more expensive, takes longer.

10. Question: What are the symptoms of periodontitis?

Answer: This disease has the following symptoms:

  • Alveolar bone is destroyed (Only seen on X-ray film).
  • With periodontal pocket (Odontologist examines and evaluates).
  • Loose, displaced teeth (Patients can know by themselves).
  • Receding gums, exposing tooth roots (Patients can notice it themselves).

11. Question: Can periodontitis be treated?

Answer: Yes, but must be done by a specialist, the results depend on the severity of periodontitis and the cooperation of the patient.