What are dental crowns?

Author: Dr. Nhan Tam View: 799
Crowns are quite popular in modern dentistry, and they are used to restore damaged teeth. The great thing about crowns is that you don’t need to get your tooth extracted to have the crown installed, so you still keep part of your natural tooth. If you are planning on getting a crown restoration, porcelain is the best choice of material that you should use.

What are dental crowns?

Dental Crowns are “caps” that are made to fit over a damaged tooth.

They are often recommended for teeth that have become broken or for teeth that have become weak because of tooth decay or the existence of an old large filling that has deteriorated. In some cases a dentist may recommend a crown after a root canal if the existing tooth has become weak following the procedure. The crown will cover the tooth and provides both protection and restores the tooth to its proper shape. In some cases dental crowns are used for esthetic reasons. If a patient’s teeth are crooked or have too much space between them, the dentist may recommend fixing this using a crown or series of crowns.

Teeth that have become discolored may also be candidates for dental crowns. Most crowns can be produced to match the color and shade of the existing teeth so they will appear natural and will blend in with the surrounding teeth. Once the crown is cemented in place, it is permanent and can provide years of effective service. Keeping your gums healthy by practicing good oral hygiene will help ensure the longevity of the crown.

Nhan Tam Dental Clinic – The best clinic for porcelain crowns in Vietnam

Nhan Tam Dental Clinic is currently the leading prestigious and quality dental care and restoration unit in Vietnam. When performing porcelain teeth at Nhan Tam Dental Clinic, customers will experience 5-star service with outstanding advantages that not all dental establishments have.

  • The team of doctors with expertise and experience, well-trained at famous domestic and foreign Universities of Medicine and Pharmacy. Every year, doctors are sent to attend specialized training courses to improve skills in foreign countries.
  • Ensure absolutely sterile. Dental equipment and tools are always disinfected in a closed process. Each customer visiting here will be arranged in a separate dental chair, with their own examination kit, separate handpiece, eliminating cross infection.
  • Constantly updating and applying modern techniques in treatment, is one of the first dental sites in the country to own the most advanced CAD / CAM 3D porcelain technology, helping to shorten working time. porcelain teeth only have a few hours and ensure accurate results from the first test.
  • At Nhan Tam Dental Clinic, porcelain embryos and all raw materials to process porcelain teeth are directly imported from reputable firms in the US, Germany, France ... and have been tested completely by the FDA for safety for the body.
  • There is a car to take the customer to the place and the warranty after treatment with the best commitment terms for customers, helping customers feel secure in treatment.

Below is some case with dental crown performed by Nhan Tam Dental Clinic: