Dental pulpitis

Author: Dr. Nhan Tam View: 1,002
Dental pulpitis will cause acute pulpitis, widespread pulpitis, dead or damaged pulp.

Types of dental pulpitis

Acute pulpitis

Enamel and dentin caries, if left untreated, can lead to pulpitis. The pulp is the blood vessel that nourishes the tooth, if pulpitis is not treated, it will be very painful. At this stage, if treated, it is still possible to keep the tooth, but it takes a long time because the tooth is infected, before the filling, the infected area must be completely treated.

Extensive pulpitis

Extensive pulpitis is the stage of total inflammation of the pulp: the pulp chamber and the leg pulp, if left untreated, cause pain, the treatment is also very time consuming and complicated.

Tooth pulp death

At this stage, the pulp is dead and discolored, millions of bacteria in the inflamed pulp will enter the blood, bad breath, poor chewing.

Consequences of pulpitis

Inflamed pulp will become congested. Untreated dead pulp teeth lead to periodontitis, periapical abscess, and may develop complications such as periodontitis, tooth loss, osteomyelitis, lymphadenitis, which are very dangerous to health...

When the teeth have symptoms such as large cavities, trauma teeth accompanied by signs of natural pain (increased at night), abnormally discolored teeth, etc., you must go to a doctor immediately for an examination. and treat it because your pulp may be inflamed or necrotic.

In terms of treatment, when treating pulpitis, you must go to specialized dental facilities to be examined and treated by a doctor. You need to take medicine as prescribed by the doctor.

Treatment of pulpitis

Patients with a toothache can take temporary pain relievers. When using the drug must pay attention to the side effects of the drug on the gastrointestinal tract and other systemic effects. Urgently need to go to the orthodontist to thoroughly treat the pulp disease.

Patients with toothache need to see a dentist diagnose the disease and the condition of the tooth tissue. If the tooth is indicated for extraction, it should be extracted early to eliminate pain symptoms, if the tooth is indicated for preservation, it will be treated with pulp. If the patient has little pain, the pain is short (3-5 minutes), it is possible to monitor the tooth pulp, if the tooth is decayed, it is necessary to clean the dentin because the dentin contains many bacteria, then seal it with calcium hydroxide to avoid irritation. like hot, cold, sour, sweet. If the pain is reduced, there is no need to remove the pulp, the follow-up period is about six months. If the pain increases, it is necessary to remove the pulp, the patient will be given local anesthesia around the root by the doctor and drilled to open the pulp, remove the pulp and shape the canal system so that the canals have an oblong shape suitable for welding. sealed canal. Currently, there are many types of dilating instruments and methods of shaping canals, but they all have the common feature of using the blades on the dilator to remove the dentin in the canal wall and widen the canal, during the expansion process. This should not bring the instrument beyond the apex. The removal of the pulp and the expansion of the canal requires perseverance and meticulousness, there are cases where the canal is small and the canal must be enlarged before it can be completely removed. The process of expanding the canal will create dentin deposits, an important part is not to push the dentin to the root apex. The process of enlarging the canal must be combined with a 2.5% sodium hypochloride flushing pump and lubricating solutions to bring out the dentin debris.

After the canal has been cleaned and tapped suitable for sealing, the dentist will measure the length of the canal with an apex locator, dry the canal, and seal the canal with gutta-percha, this is a relatively plastic resin that melts when heated and is injected into the canal. The process of sealing the canal is controlled by X-ray, gutta-percha has the property of shrinking when cooled so that the gutta-percha after cooling will be pressed tightly against the canal walls by suitable compactors, then Then the doctor continues to inject more gutta-percha, the tooth cavity will be sealed with amalgam or composite.